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Shifting the Kiwi ‘can-do attitude’ to ‘can-do safely’

Shifting the Kiwi ‘can-do attitude’ to ‘can-do safely’

Dairy Women's Network is shifting its members' Kiwi can-do attitude to a 'can-do safely' attitude with its new Dairy Modules titled 'Step up to Safety' being offered from late October.

The Step up to Safety workshops are run by DWN members who are experienced in the field of Health and Safety and are supported by expert organisations Worksafe NZ and Hazardco.

"The most important thing participants will get out of these free workshops is a 90-day Health and Safety action plan. They will leave having made a start with their Health and Safety system or some actions identified to progress to next steps," said project manager and Farmer Wellness specialist Lynda Clark.

She said the challenge is that some farmers may have fallen into complacency and think they have been let off the hook following the Government's recent Health and Safety legislation announcements.

"While sheep, beef, dairy and deer farming were deemed 'low-risk' industries, the reality is that every industry should have a workforce that goes home safe at the end of each working day," she said.

"These Dairy Modules will take Health and Safety out of the office and onto the farm and discuss what effective Health and Safety on-farm looks like.

Clark said attendees would leave with a greater understanding of the current Health and Safety legislation and how it affects them, as well as an understanding of where their businesses are compliant and where there is more action required, as well as tools and tactics for creating a positive Health and Safety culture on their farm.

"We are trying to instil a culture of safer productive farms, caring about people on-farm, changing habits, overcoming resistance and establishing a positive can-do safely culture.

"Many people don't know where to start and often don't realise they can make these changes themselves, so we'll be helping dairy farmers take that next step for their own businesses and sending them off with individualised 90-day Health and Safety action plans that they can put into practice straight away."

The workshop content has been informed in part by focus groups held by Worksafe NZ with DWN members, and will be presented by DWN members.

They are being held in 20 locations throughout the country. To find out more and register, visit