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Media release: Hill Laboratories appoints new Agricultural Divisional Manager

Hill Laboratories appoints new Agricultural Divisional Manager

 21 August 2014

New Zealand'sleading analytical testing laboratory, Hill Laboratories, has appointed Dr BartChallis as new Agricultural Divisional Manager for the company.

Dr Challisbrings to Hill Laboratories 16 years of international experience in the fieldsof Life Science and Biotechnology.Aftercompleting a PhD in microbiology from the University of Otago, Dr Challis beganhis career in Sales in the United Kingdom in 1999.

Swiftlyadding management experience to his scientific background, Dr Challis moved tothe Netherlands a year later, where he undertook the role of Brand Manager forlife science company, Invitrogen.

He laterworked as General Manager for the company Active Motif in both Belgium and inthe United Sates.Most recentlyDr Challis was Chief Commercial Officer at Active Motif’s Southern Californiaheadquarters, where he managed international subsidiaries in Europe and Asia,as well as global operations, business development and sales.

AsAgricultural Divisional Manager for Hill Laboratories, Dr Challis will lead ateam of 30 people responsible for delivering agricultural testing services forNew Zealand's farmers and growers.

“Hill Laboratorieshas a long-standing reputation in the area of agricultural testing, havingstarted out 30 years ago as a solely agriculture focused laboratory. Today agriculturaltesting makes up about 30 per cent of Hills’ core business.

“I lookforward to providing leadership to Hill Laboratories’ Agricultural division;helping to keep the company on its impressive growth course since its humblebeginnings three decades ago.”

HillLaboratories Managing Director and founder Dr Roger Hill said Dr Challis’ mixof scientific and management experience will complement the existing seniormanagement team.

 “He brings vitalexpertise in sales, business development, marketing, research and development,manufacturing and operations; all of which will help Hill Laboratories continueto provide leading analytical laboratory services for our customers.”

Having grownup on a farm in New Zealand, Dr Challis and his wife are pleased to be back inNew Zealand.

“I am excitedto bring my international experience back to this country, and hope to use everythingI have learned to drive Hill Laboratories’ success forward globally. 

HillLaboratories celebrated its 30th anniversary in July this year. Thecompany is a 100 per cent privately owned New Zealand analytical testinglaboratory and has three major testing areas: Agriculture, Environmental andFood. With its mainsite in Hamilton, the company currently has four sites in the North Island, twoin the South Island, and an office in Japan.